• Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University being a pioneer University of the country in imparting Agricultural education is expanding its wings with the aim of reaching the unreached. Over the decades intensive efforts have been put forth by the Agricultural Scientists and Extension specialists in the state , still only less than 30 percent of agricultural technologies have reached the farmers. Considering the potential and the future of Open and Distance Learning, the Centre of Open and Distance Learning(ODLC) was established with the major aim being to transform ANGRAU from its formal educational system to a dual and convergent mode, by adopting appropriate policies and systems of ODL and ICT (Information & Communication Technology) so as to provide entrepreneurial skills for self-employment, continuing professional education and extension education to the rural people of the state.

  • Establishment of Open Distance Learning Centre under the Faculty of Agriculture , ANGRAU will be vested with the responsibility of offering Distance learning programme through corresponding mode viz., certificate courses and Diploma courses for the benefit of various segments of the farming community , entrepreneurs , Self help groups and other learners who aspire for knowledge in Agricultural education and Self employment.

  • Objectives :
    • The objectives of ODLC include:

    • To promote technical know-how and entrepreneurial skills for self employment,

    • To facilitate wider outreach of agricultural technologies,

    • To offer Agricultural Education to special groups of rural people in general, and school dropouts, small and marginal farmers and women in particular,

    • To provide innovative, open system of education by using distance learning and teaching methods supported and enabled by modern Information Communication Technology (ICT), and

    • To facilitate exchange and sharing of Agricultural information, Knowledge and skills among the farming fraternity of the State.

  • Terms and conditions :
    • Certificate course will be for a period of 3 months or 6 months depending on the course content

    • Persons who can read and write Telugu are eligible for Certificate courses

    • A person can join one course at a time.

    • There is no age limit to undergo the certificate programme but should have studied minimum of 6th standard

    • Krishi vigyana kendras in each district have been identified for Personal contact classes for easy access to the participants.

    • The contact classes for certificate courses will be conducted on every 3rd Friday of each month i.e, One contact class@ 3 hrs session per month. Therefore total 3 contact classes(9 hrs) and one session for examination.

    • Registered member can opt for his preferred KVK for attending contact classes.

    • 20 participants will be enrolled in each batch per programme. A minimum of 10 members must enroll or the course will be cancelled.

    • Cent percent attendance for contact classes is compulsory.

    • Two certificate courses may be handled by each KVK simultaneously. One course in the forenoon and another in the afternoon of every 3rd Friday of every month for three months.

    • Reading materials will be provided to the participants at the beginning of the course.

    • All certificate courses will be offered twice a year.

    • The courses will include theoretical sessions , practical sessions , Field studies and Exposure visits

    • Contact number of registered member is important for direct communication from ODLC

    • Change of address or phone number of registered member is to be informed immediately

    • Certificate course programme is non residential and lunch will be provided during contact classes.

    • Registration Interested candidates can download the application from angrau website( or directly contact the ODLC at university head qrts(, Ph : 9063219959.

      Filled in application(Registration form) along with the fees paid in the form of DD/M.O drawn in favour of OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING CENTRE , ANGRAU , payable at Guntur , A.P should reach OPEN DISTANCE LEARNING CENTRE , O/O DEAN OF AGRICULTURE , ACHARYA N G RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY , ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE BUILDING , LAM , GUNTUR – 522 034.

      Registration fee is not refundable or transferable

    • Evaluation pattern At the end of the course feed back and evaluation will be done. The pattern of evaluation will be in form of Quiz , Individual assignments after every contact class and Exam at the end of the course. Certificates will be awarded only after meeting at least 50 percent of the requirement.

  • Note :
    • After meeting the requirements of Attendance and Examination marks,participants will be awarded with certificates.

    • ANGRAU Certificate does not guarantee job in any organisation.

    • ANGRAU is not responsible for postal delay or non reach of letters etc.