Notable contributions :
Designed and developed hybrid greenhouse dryer
Developed continuous infrared rice bran stabilizer
Developed mechanized system for production of jaggery
Development of process technology for production of instant sugarcane juice powder
Developed centrifugal clarifier for quality jaggery production
Developed solar power operated winnower
Developed hand operated briquetting machine
Developed process technology for ultrasound processed Finger Millet Malt
Developed process technology for preservation of jamun juice
Research Interests :
Food Engineering,
Novel Food Processing Technologies,
Food preservation
Post Harvest Technology of Foods
Professional recognition :
As a Visiting scholar to Kansas State University, USA conducted collaborative research work on Bulgur and Wheat
Processing Technologies from 17.11.2021 to 13.2.2022.
Expert member of selection/ Screening committee, for prestigious institutes such as National Institute of
Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management, Thanjavur (NIFTEM-T), Dr. YSR Horticultural University, A.P.;
Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research(IIOPR), A.P; Univerrsity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharvad; JNTU, Kakinada;
Andhra Pradesh Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Board,)etc.
Editorial Board Member of ARCC Journals, Andhra Agricultural Journals.
Life member of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering(ISAE), INDIA
Research publications :
International/National Journals: 46
Conference proceedings : 25
Books and Book chapters : NIL
Technical bulletins : 16
Popular articles: 12
Practical Manuals : 6
Awards & Honours :
Honored with Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) commendation medal during the year 2023
Honored with State Best Teacher – 2022 by Honorable Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh.
Honored with Best Scientist (Food Technology) from Eruvaaka Foundation, Andhra Pradesh in 2023.
Honored with Dr. A.P J. Abdul Kalam Excellency Award-2022
Honored with Sri Yarra Suryanarayana & Smt. Venkayamma Gold Medal at ANGRAU 51st Annual Convocation
Recovered Meritorious Teacher Award from Acharya N. G Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad
Received Eminent Scientist Awards from Agro-Environmental Society, India
Received Best Research Paper award from ISAE in 2015
Awarded the Best Poster Presentation during 47th ISAE Annual convention.