Dr. R. Sarada Jayalakshmi Devi
It is a matter of immense pleasure and privilege to be part of an esteemed alma mater Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University in the capacity of Vice-Chancellor. Under dynamic leadership of predecessor Vice-Chancellors of ANGRAU, the state of Andhra Pradesh has witnessed quantum leap in the food productivity and production through agro-climate based, location specific research strategies of multi-faceted crops covering cereals, pulses, oilseeds, major and minor millets. The contribution of ANGRAU through a slew of technological interventions in developing new varieties, in ushering and transforming the Andhra Pradesh into “Rice Bowl of India” is phenomenal.
India has 4% of world water resources occupying 2.5% of the total land area of the world supports 18% of world’s population. With rapid urbanization, booming economic and population growth, changing food consumption and changing land use pattern coupled with climate change poses threat to per capita availability of water and land resources and food production to cope up with the demand. As per international norms, countries with per capita water availability less than 1700 m3/year is categorized as water stressed. With per capita availability of around 1400 m3/year, India is definitely as water stressed. Studies project that per capita availability of water dwindle to 1191 m3/year by 2050, that eventually lead India to become water scarce country and there by affecting food production. Keeping this in view, Government of Andhra Pradesh and ANGRAU committed to achieve sustainable development goals through engineering and agronomic interventions to improve water use efficiency by 20% and to improve yield potential of crop varieties through biotechnological interventions to eye targeted food production of 450 MT by 2050.
“Enter to learn and leave to serve” is the dictum that drives ANGRAU to be a pioneer in preparing students to meet challenges around the globe through quality education with ethical and moral values. Faculty members of the University are highly qualified and nationally renowned, who have been continuously engaged in the maintenance and enhancement of student centric learning environment through innovative pedagogy, form the backbone of the University. ANGRAU has been the first University in the country to design RAWEP and Experiential learning for students to nurture zeal in them to develop entrepreneurship skills.
With tripartite mandate of teaching, research and extension through innovative methods are regarded as our pillars of success that is evident from national level JRFs, GATE ranks bagged by our students. Our faculty teach basic and applied sciences to the students emphasizing the field problems faced by the farmers and making the students to learn techniques of problem solving ability and farmer’s issues in mind.
Post bifurcation, ANGRAU is continuously striving hard to improve its infrastructural facilities, maintain strong institutional linkages with reputed national and international institutions, constantly updating human resources knowledge on frontier niche areas like Nanotechnology, Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning” to overcome challenges in agriculture and enhancing farmer’s income through sustainable farming systems approach, intensive research in agriculture and engineering.
With the above initiatives and endeavours, ANGRAU shall be marching ahead in the right direction, providing a holistic agricultural education to the budding agri and allied graduates and playing a decisive role in growth of agricultural sector in our state. All the faculty of ANGRAU shall rededicate themselves with great zeal and enthusiasm to provide world class education to the students and train them to be globally professionals and develop seed varieties combating biotic and abiotic stresses through safe approaches; technologies and machinery to make agriculture to be sustainable and profitable through ANGRAU’s robust outreach programmes. ANGRAU extend a warm invitation to all stakeholders and well-wishers to join us in our honest efforts and endeavour to make this great institution as an enviable destination for pursuing their dreams in the realm of higher agricultural education and research.
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